Ebook - 8 Habits To Become A Thriving Musician

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Ebook - 8 Habits To Become A Thriving Musician


How to optimize of your life as a musician.

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Over the first half of 2020, I’ve labored on creating a manual for musicians to conquer their careers by taking control of their personal lives.

After spending over a decade reading countless self-development books and interviewing dozens of seasoned artists for hours on my podcast, Thriving Rockstar, I wanted to write such a manual.

This book is deceptively short, only a 30-60 minute read. I know many musicians won’t read a massive book, so I decided to cut out anything extra, so you can easily re-read and reference it.

It is dense and filled with actions to habitualize and take you to the next level as a musician, and as a person.

Enjoy the book and feel free to send me your feedback via the contact page or on social media!


Alex Raykin